2 mm stainless steel sheets and plates

Stainless steel, also known as inox, and in certain countries as VA or more precisely V2A or V4A, is an extremely sought-after material for applications both functionally and visually.

Using different types of stainless steel (e.g., martensitic, austenitic, duplex, etc.) and applying various surface treatments such as grit-polishing, mirror polishing, bead blasting and various coating processes, a large variety of unique surfaces can be created. Different types of finishes on the stainless steel base material will add more technical functions, properties, and an even more attractive appearance.

In terms of thicknesses, 2 mm stainless steel plates are some of the most common when it comes to stainless steel sheet fabrication.

Our 2 mm stainless steel plates at a glance

mirrorINOX produces various finishes on inox sheets of this thickness, for example:

  • Polished/ mirror polished in qualities Super Mirror No. 8Marine Mirror No. 9Perfect Mirror No. 10® and others, both on one and both sides
  • Bead-blasted
  • Embossed-rolled and pattern-rolled
  • Brushed / grit-polished
  • PVD / TiN-coated
  • Vibration polished
  • Fluid formed / hydroformed
  • nanoINOX® coated AFP/ETC (AntiFingerPrint/ Easy-To-Clean)
  • And others

Whether the sheets are coated, polished or bead-blasted, smooth, textured or perforated, the following stainless steel grades are most commonly used:

  • AISI 304 (inox sheets V2A or X5CrNi18-10),
  • AISI 316 (inox sheets V4A or X2 CrNiMo 17-12-2).

In addition to AISI 304 and AISI 316, mirrorINOX offers the surface treatment of other grades and alloys, such as:

  • AISI 316L (1.4435),
  • AISI 316Ti (1.4571),
  • AISI 430 (1.4016),

as well as of special and rarer materials like:

  • AISI 254SMO (1.4547),
  • 1.4462 (Duplex),
  • Hastelloy®,
  • And others.

Of course, these alloys can also be produced and treated in many other thicknesses, widths and lengths, supplied with or without protective film and some are even available from stock. In this way, we can optimally configure a unique product according to your requirements.

Our range of thin inox plates also includes:

Our pricing policy

Due to the very large selection of sheet metal in various surfaces, grades, thicknesses and sizes from our own production and stock, mirrorINOX always offers you a unique product that will suit your project and application the best.

Also taking into account the sometimes strong volatility of raw material prices, it always makes sense to enquire mirrorINOX about individual advice and the metal sheets or other products you need.

Our goal is to supply our clients with maximum quality at realistic, favourable prices through direct contact – without an online shop.

Benefits and applications of 2 mm stainless steel sheets

2.0 mm thick inox steel sheets optimally meet the requirements in many areas where stability, statics and load-bearing capacity of material are of great importance.

Likewise, the more large-area applications where a high degree of visual flatness is required, such as in façade construction, can also be perfectly performed using sheet metal with a thickness of 2 mm or thicker – such as 3 mm stainless steel sheets.

2 mm stainless steel plates are mainly used for applications in the following areas:

  • Construction, architecture (in particular for façade, roof and wall cladding)
  • Interior elements such as wall, ceiling, stairs, and doors cladding
  • Lift and escalator construction: 2 mm sheets are primarily used here for panels, displays, cabin walls, portals, and shaft cladding
  • Machinery and appliance construction
  • Shop, fair stands, and furniture construction
  • Ship and yacht building
  • And in many other application areas

These thin inox sheets can also be easily processed, treated, shaped, bent, handled and transported.

mirrorINOX: your supplier for 2 mm stainless steel plates

  • Many years of experience and close contact with the various sectors and industries, customers, and markets
  • Extensive technical know-how when it comes to surfaces and their treatment, especially for inox base material
  • Our joy and passion for the materials and their finishing processes
  • Excellent performance in stainless steel surface treatments such as PVD/TiN-coating and our in-house nanoINOX® AFP/ETC-coating
  • And last but not least, our unconditional ambition to offer you perfect service and customized solutions

All this makes mirrorINOX your expert contact and reliable supplier for special stainless steel and other metal surfaces!