Finishes by mirrorINOX – New project
In the recently opened “Aquarium At The boardwalk” in Branson, USA, a gigantic octopus was installed in the entry area and welcomes the visitors. Its fascinating, almost life-like skin was brilliantly fabricated and installed using 3 different finishes by mirrorINOX: RIPPLES Super Mirror No. 8RIPPLES…
PVD/TiN-coating by mirrorINOX – now also for smaller parts!
mirrorINOX is proud to present the first results of our new PVD/TiN-coating line for smaller parts. It is clear to see, that mirrorINOX has again mastered to set new standards in terms of quality and feasibility when it comes to treating metal surfaces.
mirrorINOX now ISO 9001-certified!
mirrorINOX, the manufacturer of stainless steel surfaces of the highest quality is pleased to announce its ISO 9001 certification starting on the 4th of December 2020. DOWNLOAD
PVD/TiN-coating of parts, tubes and many others
Slightly delayed in its delivery, mirrorINOX cannot wait for the arrival and installation of our new Multi ARC & Magnetron Sputtering Batch coating line, engineered and built for the PVD / TiN-coating of small parts, tubes and…
nanoINOX® coating with AntiFingerPrint / Easy-To-Clean properties
Who does not like birds and their songs? What one does not like so much about them, are the traces they leave often behind on facades and other applications, even in a sensitive entrance area…